
new Cesium.PlotPoint3D(x, y, z)

The spatial location defined by longitude, latitude, and altitude.
Name Type Default Description
x Number 0.0 optional Longitude in degrees.
y Number 0.0 optional Latitude in degrees.
z Number 0.0 optional The height in meters.


x : Number

Longitude in degrees.
Default Value: 0.0

y : Number

The latitude in degrees.
Default Value: 0.0

z : Number

The ellipsoid is high in meters.
Default Value: 0.0


staticCesium.PlotPoint3D.clone(plotPoint3D, result)PlotPoint3D

Copy the PlotPoint3D instance.
Name Type Description
plotPoint3D PlotPoint3D The object to be copied.
result PlotPoint3D optional The object used to store the results.
The modified result parameter, if not provided, returns a new PlotPoint3D instance; if the supplied PlotPoint3D coordinate is undefined, it returns undefined.

staticCesium.PlotPoint3D.equals(left, right)Boolean

Determine if two PlotPoint3D objects are equal
Name Type Description
left PlotPoint3D optional The first PlotPoint3D.
right PlotPoint3D optional The second PlotPoint3D.
true if left and right are equal, false otherwise.


Create a string that represents the location point in '(latitude, latitude, height)' format.
A string representing the location point in '(longitude, latitude, height)' format.