
new Cesium.ProjectionImage(scene)

Video delivery class. Place an image or video into the scene to simulate an advertising screen or large-screen TV effect on a building.
Name Type Description
scene Object optional Specifies the scene object to use for the analysis.
//Create a video delivery
var projectionImagee= new Cesium.ProjectionImage(scene);.


direction : Number

Gets or sets the azimuth of the projector when the video is placed, that is, the angle between the clockwise direction and the north direction. The value ranges from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.

distance : Number

Gets or sets the distance from the viewpoint to the projector.

hintLineColor : Color

Gets or sets the color of the cue line when the video is served.

hintLineVisible : Color

Gets or sets the visibility of the cue line when the video is served.

horizontalFov : Number

Gets or sets the horizontal angle of view of the projector when the video is served, in degrees.

pitch : Number

Gets or sets the pitch angle of the projector when the video is placed. This angle refers to the angle between the camera direction and the water surface direction. The orientation is positive, the unit is: degrees.

verticalFov : Number

Gets or sets the vertical angle of view of the projector when the video is served, in degrees.

viewPosition : Array

Gets or sets the location of the video delivery observer. The position is represented by an array of longitude, latitude, and elevation.



Perform a video delivery analysis.


Get the visibility of the video view analysis in the specified viewport.
Name Type Description
index Number The specified viewport index.

pixelToWorldCoordinates(x, y)Cartesian3

Image pixel coordinates to world coordinates
Name Type Description
x The x coordinate of the image pixel
y The y coordinate of the picture pixel
World coordinates corresponding to the pixel position of the image


Set up a picture or video object to serve.
Name Type Description
options Object The object has the following properties:
Name Type Description
url Array Specifies the address of the image resource.
video Object Specifies the address of the video. Currently only supports video in *.webm format. Currently only .webm is supported.


Set the visibility of the video view analysis in the specified viewport.
Name Type Description
index Number The specified viewport index.